Wednesday, August 18, 2010


my laptop is protected by norton antivirus until a few days ago, these pop-ups from everywhere kept on coming up. its so sudden. i have norton antivirus, google and yahoo toolbar, windows defender, and ad-adware 2007. they keep coming up. internet explorer keeps telling me that to use, winantivirus, and

it wont stop

im desperate to stop them

please help me!!

Pop-UPS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?free antivirus

Your computer more than likely has a Vundo infection.

Amaena popups,and scam internet security advertising such as Winfixer, WinAntivirus, WinAnti''this and that'', ErrorSafe, etc are usually caused by the Vundo (Virtumonde) infection.

Most ''general purpose'' scanners such as Norton, AVG, Spybot etc can not detect it, as you may have found out already.

The standard removal tool for Vundo is called VundoFix and it is availible for free here:

Good luck.


my best guess it is a virus ...if all the antivirus you have can not stop the pop ups, you might have to restore the computer to factory settings :(.you could do a manual search for the virus but it is very time consuming and require high level of puter knowledge.

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